So, it is Saturday afternoon, and we answer the phone at Support For Home, as always, 24x7. But today we get three very interesting phone calls in a row, from the same person.
A Home Care Aide Applicant calls. She wants to talk to our HR Manager. Well, the HR Manager is not in the office today (neither are we -- we're answering from home). "No, we don't use voice mail, since we always answer the phone. But we'll take a message or you can call back Monday." No message. She'll call back Monday. Two minutes later, she calls again, thinking she'll "sneak" past us and leave a voice mail for Carlotta, our HR Manager. "No, we answer the phone 24x7, so you won't get to voice mail for her." OK. Two minutes later, the same person calls, but hangs up when we answer the phone. So, I call her back and tell her that she is not making a great first impression.
Well, it turns out, she is not trying to make a good impression. It turns out that she has a criminal record, and our HR Manager said, "No, we won't hire you." So, what she REALLY wanted to do was tell our HR Manager that she had found a job, anyway -- with IHSS, the County agency that provides caregivers to low income recipients. She wants to gloat about that.
To us, this is a very sad thing. In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS), a government agency, has hired her to provide home care. We would not hire her ever, based on her background.
Now, we are fans of the program IHSS, in the Sacramento area. Low income seniors need home care. What they do not need is caregivers that cannot pass the background screening of Support For Home. We hope this woman's clients through IHSS receive great care.
2019 Medicare Changes
6 years ago
Don't know what this person was guilty of. Current law says that anyone guilty in the past 10 years of elder abuse, child abuse, or fraud against the government is ineligible to be an IHSS provider. Please do not buy into the unfair and untrue claims by the governor and his political allies that IHSS recipients are fraud criminals and IHSS providers are dangerous people.
ReplyDeleteSteve, thanks for the comment, but I cannot really agree with it. I'm not buying into any unfair or untrue claims by anyone. What you describe is, in fact, true. If someone is guilty of elder abuse, they cannot work for IHSS. However, if they have been convicted of raping a non-senior adult, they can. Sorry, but that makes no sense to me, at all.